For the pain perdu custard
- Heat and dissolve the sugar in 75g of milk.
- Infuse the vanilla and cardamom in to this.
- Mix all the rest of the ingredients together and add the infused milk.
- Pour the mix in a container and store in the fridge.
- Allow to infuse for at least 6 hours
For the chestnut puree
- Place all the ingredients in a Thermomix and blitz until smooth.
- Divide the chestnut purée into piping bags and reserve until needed.
For the pine gel
- Place all the ingredients in a Thermomix and blitz. Store the mix in pipping bags until needed.
For the soaked prunes
- In a medium pan, add the sugar and water and bring to the boil.
- Add the Earl Grey tea bags and infuse for 2 minutes. Discard the tea bags.
- When the infusion is still hot. add the prunes.
- Place the soaked prunes into a container and reserve in the fridge for a minimum of 24 hours.
For the vanilla rum ice cream
- In a medium saucepan, pour the whole milk and double cream and add the split and scraped vanilla pod.
- Bring the mix to the boil.
- In a mixing bowl mix the egg yolks, sugar and rum.
- Temper the eggs mixture with the infused milk and pour back in the saucepan on a medium heat stirring constantly until the mix reaches 84°C.
- Pour the mixture through a chinois into a bowl over an ice bath to cool down as soon as possible.Once the mix is cool. add the Xanthan gum and blitz with a hand blender until smooth.
- Divide the mix equally into Paco containers and freeze.
To dress
- Trim the brioche into (8cm×2.5cm circle ring) and soak in the custard mix.
- Place the brioche and liquid in a vac pac machine and compress several times as you turn the brioche around. The brioche should be soaked through completely and feel heavy.
- Rest on a cooling rack to allow excess liquid to drip off.
- Toast the brioche in a hot, non-stick pan using clarified butter.
- Finish with golden caster sugar caramel.
- To assemble, dust the caramelized brioche with icing sugar, garnish the bread with 3 Earl Grey prunes, 3 pieces of smoked chestnut, 6 pine gel dots all around the prunes and the chestnuts, 6 dots of chestnut cream and olive oil cress,
- Place a rocher of vanilla and rum ice cream on the middle of the bread, 8 fresh chestnut slices and 4 pleces of gold leaf.