- Celeriac puree; Place all ingredients in a C.V cook bag. Cook for 10 -15 minutes until soft. Remove from bag into vita prep and blitz for 5 minutes. Pass through a fine sieve and place into a plastic bottle reserve for later.
- Basil oil; place the basil into the olive oil and heat until 80˚C, pour into a blender and blend for 4 minutes, remove and pass the oil through damp muslin cloth, chill over ice, reserve for later use.
- Seaweed sauce; Sweet the sliced shallots in the butter until transparent and soft, but no colour.
- Add now the sliced button mushrooms and sweet for a further 2 minutes until slippery in look.
- Now add the Noilly prat and reduce by half, add the fish stock and reduce to 2/3.
- To finish the sauce; add a dash of cream and monte au beurre, season with salt and pepper and a dash of lemon juice. Pass through a fines sieve.
- Now add a pinch of saffron, chopped pepper, dolce seaweed, pinch of nori powder and leave to infuse for a couple of minutes. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of lemon juice.
- Scallops; season the scallops with salt and white pepper. In a non stick frying pan, heat and add some olive oil, place the scallops into the pan, now add a knob of butter and leave to caramelise until golden brown.
- Turn over and repeat on the other side, add a squeeze of lemon juice and remove from the pan and place onto a tray. Top each scallop with some celeriac puree or caviar (optional) the dress with wood sorrels
To dress; place 3 dots of celeriac puree on the plate, not place on top a scallop on each. Sauce in between and then finish with the basil oil.