- 600g parsnips, peeled and diced into a 1cm square (keep the peelings)
- 400ml full fat milk
- Salt and pepper
- Vegetable oil for frying
- Pinch of curry powder
- Croutons to serve (optional)
- Peashoots
- Cream, to drizzle
Put the parsnips, milk and curry powder in a pan and bring to the boil before reducing to a simmer for five minutes.
Deep fry the peelings until they are crispy then drain place on a paper lined plate. Season.
Blitz the soup until it is smooth, pour back into the pan and warm through. Season.
Spoon into warm bowls, top with croutons and parsnip crisps, drizzle over the cream and garnish with peashoots.
- 600g parsnips, peeled and diced into a 1cm square (keep the peelings)
- 400ml full fat milk
- Salt and pepper
- Vegetable oil for frying
- Pinch of curry powder
- Croutons to serve (optional)
- Peashoots
- Cream, to drizzle
Put the parsnips, milk and curry powder in a pan and bring to the boil before reducing to a simmer for five minutes.
Deep fry the peelings until they are crispy then drain place on a paper lined plate. Season.
Blitz the soup until it is smooth, pour back into the pan and warm through. Season.
Spoon into warm bowls, top with croutons and parsnip crisps, drizzle over the cream and garnish with peashoots.