- 600g pumpkin sliced
- 25ml olive oil
- 1 lemon juice only
- 400ml veg stock
- 100 ml double cream
- Salt and pepper
- 325g strong plain flour, plus extra for dusting.
- 125ml warm water
- 3g fast action yeast
- 60ml plain yoghurt
- Pinch of salt
- 25g mixed seeds
- Double cream to drizzle
- Pumpkin oil
- A few toasted seeds
Make up the dough by stirring the yeast in to the warm water until it has dissolved.
Sprinkle the salt in to the flour and then add the yoghurt followed by the water mix.
Bring the whole lot together with a spoon then tip on to a clean work surface with ½ the seeds and knead for 5 minutes. The dough should be sticky. Roll the dough in to a ball then drop in to a clean bowl and cover. Leave to rise for about 2 hours.
When the dough has risen knock it back on a cleans surface, dusted with flour.
Roughly roll it out to about a 20cm oblong, drizzle in olive oil stud with rosemary and sprinkle over leftover seeds.
Carefully transfer the flatbread to large baking tray and bake for about 12 minutes.
Put the pumpkin on a baking sheet, drizzle in oil, roast for 30 minutes until charred.
Pop the pumpkin in a pan with stock cream, bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer for five minutes, season.
Blitz the soup until it is smooth, pour it back into a pan, and warm this through.
Spoon this into warm bowls, drizzle with pumpkin oil cream and seeds.
- 600g pumpkin sliced
- 25ml olive oil
- 1 lemon juice only
- 400ml veg stock
- 100 ml double cream
- Salt and pepper
- 325g strong plain flour, plus extra for dusting.
- 125ml warm water
- 3g fast action yeast
- 60ml plain yoghurt
- Pinch of salt
- 25g mixed seeds
- Double cream to drizzle
- Pumpkin oil
- A few toasted seeds
Make up the dough by stirring the yeast in to the warm water until it has dissolved.
Sprinkle the salt in to the flour and then add the yoghurt followed by the water mix.
Bring the whole lot together with a spoon then tip on to a clean work surface with ½ the seeds and knead for 5 minutes. The dough should be sticky. Roll the dough in to a ball then drop in to a clean bowl and cover. Leave to rise for about 2 hours.
When the dough has risen knock it back on a cleans surface, dusted with flour.
Roughly roll it out to about a 20cm oblong, drizzle in olive oil stud with rosemary and sprinkle over leftover seeds.
Carefully transfer the flatbread to large baking tray and bake for about 12 minutes.
Put the pumpkin on a baking sheet, drizzle in oil, roast for 30 minutes until charred.
Pop the pumpkin in a pan with stock cream, bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer for five minutes, season.
Blitz the soup until it is smooth, pour it back into a pan, and warm this through.
Spoon this into warm bowls, drizzle with pumpkin oil cream and seeds.