Rack of Lamb with Jabron Potatoes

This Rack of Lamb with Jabron Potatoes recipe from Shaun Hill is outstanding! Top quality lamb costs lots of money so he suggests you do little other than roasting or grilling it carefully and letting the natural flavour do all the work. Jabron potatoes are a version of gratin dauphinoise in which the potatoes are boiled then peeled and tossed in garlic butter before being baked with a little milk and cream.


  • 2x rack of lamb 7 chops French trimmed
  • 2 tbs Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
For the potatoes:
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 200gr unsalted butter
  • 3 garlic cloves crushed
  • Salt and pepper
  • 300ml milk
  • 300ml cream
For the herb puree:
  • 1 large bunch flat leaf parsley
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 lemon zest



Top quality lamb costs lots of money so I suggest you do little other than roasting or grilling it carefully and letting the natural flavour do all the work.

I brush a little herb and olive oil puree over the cooked meat but I am of course a chef and like to do this sort of thing! My preference is for the meat to be pink but not extremely rare, the texture will be better this way. I roast the rack of lamb for 10 minutes at 180C then rest for a further 5 minutes. Adjust the cooking time if you disagree.

Herb puree

Blend together in a liquidiser – a processer will not do – bunches of flat parsley together with lemon zest and garlic in the proportion of  two parts parsley to one part olive oil. Use a clove of garlic and the zest of half lemon per 100ml olive oil

Paint the cooked racks with mustard and then with this herb and oil mixture

Jabron potatoes

Jabron potatoes, Gratin de Jabron, are a version of gratin dauphinoise in which the potatoes are boiled then peeled and tossed in garlic butter before being baked with a little milk and cream. You can add grated cheese as well if the fancy takes you. Similarly, the potatoes can be prepared up to the point when milk and cream are added at any time that suits, the day before is fine

The potatoes should be boiled in their skins until completely cooked. A variety like desiree which is not too floury works best.

Skin the cooked potatoes then toss them in unsalted butter, flavoured with crushed garlic, milled black pepper and sea salt. The potatoes should be well flavoured or the resulting gratin will be dull. Place the potato in an ovenproof dish then pour a half and half mixture of milk and cream on top. Bake until browned and thickened – about 40 minutes,

The potatoes can be boiled and tossed a day or two in advance but only baked in cream and milk when needed.



  • 2x rack of lamb 7 chops French trimmed
  • 2 tbs Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
For the potatoes:
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 200gr unsalted butter
  • 3 garlic cloves crushed
  • Salt and pepper
  • 300ml milk
  • 300ml cream
For the herb puree:
  • 1 large bunch flat leaf parsley
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 lemon zest



Top quality lamb costs lots of money so I suggest you do little other than roasting or grilling it carefully and letting the natural flavour do all the work.

I brush a little herb and olive oil puree over the cooked meat but I am of course a chef and like to do this sort of thing! My preference is for the meat to be pink but not extremely rare, the texture will be better this way. I roast the rack of lamb for 10 minutes at 180C then rest for a further 5 minutes. Adjust the cooking time if you disagree.

Herb puree

Blend together in a liquidiser – a processer will not do – bunches of flat parsley together with lemon zest and garlic in the proportion of  two parts parsley to one part olive oil. Use a clove of garlic and the zest of half lemon per 100ml olive oil

Paint the cooked racks with mustard and then with this herb and oil mixture

Jabron potatoes

Jabron potatoes, Gratin de Jabron, are a version of gratin dauphinoise in which the potatoes are boiled then peeled and tossed in garlic butter before being baked with a little milk and cream. You can add grated cheese as well if the fancy takes you. Similarly, the potatoes can be prepared up to the point when milk and cream are added at any time that suits, the day before is fine

The potatoes should be boiled in their skins until completely cooked. A variety like desiree which is not too floury works best.

Skin the cooked potatoes then toss them in unsalted butter, flavoured with crushed garlic, milled black pepper and sea salt. The potatoes should be well flavoured or the resulting gratin will be dull. Place the potato in an ovenproof dish then pour a half and half mixture of milk and cream on top. Bake until browned and thickened – about 40 minutes,

The potatoes can be boiled and tossed a day or two in advance but only baked in cream and milk when needed.